The results of the “Love Live! Sunshine!!” Worldwide Poster Girl General Election are in!!



The results of the “Love Live! Sunshine!!” Worldwide Poster Girl General Election are in!!


Today we're announcing the final results of the Worldwide Poster Girl General Election, where fans like you from around the world decided who would be Love Live! Sunshine!!’s promotional ambassador to each region.


And the official ambassador assignments are...


Chika Takami … Taiwan

Riko Sakurauchi … Germany

Kanan Matsuura … Australia

Dia Kurosawa … Singapore

You Watanabe … China

Yoshiko Tsushima … UK

Hanamaru Kunikida … Thailand

Mari Ohara … USA

Ruby Kurosawa … Korea


Thank you all for casting your votes! Each Aqours member will be showcased in her own brand-new illustration connected with the region you voted her poster girl for. Look forward to updates in the near future!



Love Live! Sunshine!! WORLD形象女孩總選舉 結果公布!!




高海千歌  …  台灣

櫻内梨子  …  德國

松浦果南  …  澳洲

黑澤黛雅  …  新加玻

渡邊 曜   …  中國

津島善子  …  英國

國木田花丸 …  泰國

小原鞠莉  …  美國

黑澤露比  …  韓國








Love Live! Sunshine!! WORLD形象女孩总选举 结果公布!!




高海千歌  …  台湾

樱内梨子  …  德国

松浦果南  …  澳洲

黑泽黛雅  …  新加玻

渡边 曜   …  中国

津岛善子  …  英国

国木田花丸 …  泰国

小原鞠莉  …  美国

黑泽露比  …  韩国








Die Ergebnisse der “Love Live! Sunshine!!” Worldwide Poster Girl General Election sind da!!


Heute geben wir die Ergebnisse der Worldwide Poster Girl General Election bekannt, bei der Fans wie ihr überall auf der Welt darüber abstimmen konntet, wer Love Live! Sunshine!! Botschafterin für jede Region werden soll.


Und die offiziellen Botschafterinnen sind…


Chika Takami … Taiwan

Riko Sakurauchi … Deutschland

Kanan Matsuura … Australien

Dia Kurosawa … Singapur

You Watanabe … China

Yoshiko Tsushima … Großbritannien

Hanamaru Kunikida … Thailand

Mari Ohara … USA

Ruby Kurosawa … Korea


Vielen Dank für eure Stimmen! Jedes Mitglied von Aqours erhält eine brandneue Illustration, die sie mit der Region verbunden darstellt, für die ihr sie als Botschafterin gewählt habt. Freut euch auf Neuigkeiten in Kürze!



러브라이브! 선샤인!! WORLD 이미지걸 총선거 결과 발표!!


전세게 팬 여러분의 투표를 바탕으로 각 지역의 홍보대사를 결정하는 「WORLD 이미지걸 총선거」의 최종 결과를 발표합니다.

타카미 치카 … 대만

사쿠라우치 리코 … 독일

마츠우라 카난 … 오스트렐리아

쿠로사와 다이아 … 싱가폴

와타나베 요우 … 중국

츠시마 요시코 … 영국

쿠니키다 하나마루 … 태국

오하라 마리 … 미국

쿠로사와 루비 … 한국


위와 같은 조합으로 결정이 되었습니다. 전세계 여러분들의 많은 투표 감사 드립니다! 각 멤버별, 이미지걸로 결정된 지역과 연관된 일러스트가 제작될 예정입니다. 이후 일정은 조만간 공지할 예정이오니, 많은 기대 부탁드립니다!



ประกาศผลการเลือกตั้ง เลิฟไลฟ์! ซันไชน์!! เวิลด์อิมเมจเกิร์ลแล้ว!!


จากการรวบรวมคะแนนจากทั่วทุกมุมโลก ในที่สุดผลการตัดสิน

"การเลือกตั้งเวิลด์อิมเมจเกิร์ล" ว่าใครจะได้เป็นตัวแทนในเขตนั้นๆ



ทาคามิ จิกะ ... ไต้หวัน

ซากุระอุจิ ริโกะ ... เยอรมัน

มัตสึอุระ คานัน ... ออสเตรเรีย

คุโรซาวะ ไดยะ ... สิงคโปร์

วาตานาเบะ โย ... จีน

สึกิชิมะ โยชิโกะ ... อังกฤษ

คุนิคิดะ ฮานามารุ ... ไทย

โอฮาระ มาริ ... อเมริกา

คุโรซาวะ รูบี้ ... เกาหลีใต้






ถ้ามีอะไรคืบหน้าเราจะรีบมาแจ้งให้ทราบต่อไป อดใจรอกันหน่อยนะ!

“Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Winter Extracurriculars: Minna de Syan-syan♪ Aqours Mini Live 2016♪” will be streamed!


Aqours first School Idol Festival collaboration single song "Jingle Bells ga Tomaranai" which was released on November. 23.

There will be a mini live event to celebrate this single CD release in Japan on December 27, 2016.

And this event will be streamed in various countries and regions.


Event Title:

“Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Winter Extracurriculars: Minna de Syan-syan♪ Aqours Mini Live 2016♪”.



Anju Inami (Voice of Chika Takami)

Rikako Aida (Voice of Riko Sakurauchi)

Nanaka Suwa (Voice of Kanan Matsuura)

Arisa Komiya (Voice of Dia Kurosawa)

Shuka Saito (Voice of You Watanabe)

Aika Kobayashi (Voice of Yoshiko Tsushima)

Kanako Takatsuki (Voice of Hanamaru Kunikida)

Aina Suzuki (Voice of Mari Ohara)

Ai Furihata (Voice of Ruby Kurosawa)


This event will be streamed after December 28, 2016 - January 3rd, 2017 (Tue.) 23:59 JST on the following website.

Please don’t miss this limited time streaming!

For more information (include actual start date), please check out website in each territory!







[Mainland China]
















Anime Limited/ Wakanim



AV Visionen





――――Other area――――

[News for Seoul, Korea] 러브라이브! 선샤인! 스페셜 이벤트: Aqours in Seoul에서 Meet & Greet 행사 개최


Aqours in Seoul 이벤트 개최 기념! Meet & Greet – 네임카드 전달행사 -

[날짜] 12월10일(토)

[시간] 오후 2시

[장소] SM TOWN @ coexartium 1층 광장

[참여 성우] 아이다 리카코 (사쿠라우치 리코 역) / 타카츠키 카나코 (쿠니키다 하나마루 역) / 스즈키 아이나 (오하라 마리 역)


[이벤트 참가 방법]
이벤트 사이트에서 「Love Live! Sunshine!!」관련 상품을 30,000원 이상 구입하신 분은
 「네임카드 전달」 행사에 참여할 수 있습니다. (11/25(금) 20:00부터 신청 가능)

신청에 관련된 자세한 사항은 아래 페이지를 참고 부탁드립니다.

-줄 대기표는 1인 1매 한정으로 배포됩니다.
-수량 한정이기 때문에 조기 매진될 수 있습니다.
-사진촬영, 동영상 녹화, 녹음을 금지합니다.
-악수 등 게스트와의 접촉은 금지합니다.
-소지품 검사를 실시할 수도 있습니다. 미리 양해를 부탁드립니다.
-선물, 팬레터는 성우에게 직접 전달이 불가능합니다.
-이벤트는 사전 고지와 다르게 변경, 중지될 가능성이 있습니다. 양해를 부탁드립니다.


[News for Seoul, Korea] Love Live! Sunshine!! Special Event : Aqours in Seoul


[News for Seoul, Korea] Love Live! Sunshine!! Special Event : Aqours in Seoul


A special event “Love Live! Sunshine!! Special Event : Aqours in Seoul” will be held in Korea!

On the event day, fans may enjoy the screening & talk session (3 episodes will be selected by attending Aqours members for screening) as well as the exhibition area of Love Live! School Idol Festival.


■Event Overview

[Event] Love Live! Sunshine!! Special Event : Aqours in Seoul

[Date] December 10 (Sat.), 2016


[Event 1] Love Live! Sunshine!! Special Screening in Seoul

[Guests] Riko Sakurauchi (voiced by Rikako Aida) / Hanamaru Kunikida (voiced by Kanako Takatsuki) / Mari Ohara (voiced by Aina Suzuki)

[Venue] 5th floor, SMTOWN at coexartium

[Event 2] Love Live! School Idol Festival Related Exhibition

[Venue] Open-space on the 1st floor


러브라이브! 선샤인!! 스페셜 이벤트 : Aqours in Seoul


한국에서 스페셜 이벤트인 러브라이브! 선샤인!! 스페셜 이벤트 : Aqours in Seoul가 개최될 예정입니다! 이벤트 당일, 팬 분들 모두 상영회 및 토크쇼(행사에 참여하는 아쿠아(Aqours) 멤버가 직접 고른 에피소드 3)와 더불어 러브라이브! School Idol Festival 행사에 참여할 수 있습니다.


■이벤트 개요

[이벤트] 러브라이브! 선샤인!! 스페셜 이벤트 : Aqours in Seoul

[날짜] 2016년 12월 10일 (토)


[이벤트 1] 러브라이브! 선샤인!! 스페셜 상영회 in Seoul

[게스트] 사쿠라우치 리코 (성우: 아이다 리카코) /쿠티키다 하나마루 (성우: 타카츠키 카나코) /오하라 마리 (성우 스즈키 아이나)

[장소] 5층, SMTOWN at coexartium


[이벤트 2] 러브라이브! 선샤인!! School Idol Festival 관련행사

[장소] 1층 광장


[공식 웹사이트]

Voting for “Love Live! Sunshine!!” The worldwide poster girl general election started!


Voting for “Love Live! Sunshine!!” The worldwide poster girl general election started!

To meet the expectations of the fans around the world, Aqours will now take a leap outside of Japan to fly all over the world!
So first, let's decide a poster girl for each region of the world, who will act as an ambassador to promote the show.
Who among the nine members of Aqours becomes each region's ambassador is completely up to your votes!
Once the results are in, a new illustration will be drawn for each poster girl in connection with their related region. So let's vote!

■Voting Period

November 18th (Fri), 2016 11:00am - December 18th (Sun), 2016 11:59pm

Click here for more information